Videos to Watch
Palestine Israel 101
This video was produced by The American Task Force on Palestine, which, if you look at the names of the board of directors, is a group of Palestinian Americans. While it sometimes is biased in favor of the Palestinians, it is presents the situation reasonably fairly. Antoher indicator of the documentary's fairness is the participation of John Sununu who was White House Chief of Staff (the assistant to the President) under President George H. W. Bush (the first one). The first half of the video, Part one: Conlifct, is an excellent review of the handout we read in class. The second half, Part Two: Resolution, starts well by showing some of the differences between the Israelis and the Palestinians. It explains why solving the Palestinian will help the US (which is important, but not part of what we are studying). Around 20:40, the video explains the current international idea for a solution. Near the end shifts its focus to the impact of a peaceful resolution on the United States again. And here is a link with maps that show the change in land control ever the years. Click on the dates to see tha changes.
Understanding Islam
Morgan Spurlock, who ate McDonalds food for 30 days in SuperSize Me, has his own tv show he created called 30 Days. In this episode (45 mins long), a Christian from the southern US lives as a Muslim for 30 days and learns about the religion.
Manna Manna
Here's a little song to keep you company while you work
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